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Friday, January 21, 2011

Writing's in the Family

Last night my daughter and I swapped works in progress. I've been humbled. I love my stories but I think I like hers better. I'm definitely looking forward to reading her book as a finished work. At the rate she's writing she will probably get published before me.

It's fun having other writers in the family. I've got built in editing and story arc advice! My 16 year old son is working on a historical fiction novel with a friend. He's been a history and military buff since... well 5. He's also a prolific writer who started his first novel at age 11. My oldest daughter is working on something but won't let anyone read it. It's a story that apparently has been mulling around in her head for a while.

Now, if I can just find more time to squeeze out the words all would be well. Well, it's time to get back to work now. TTFN... (do people even say that anymore?...)

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